Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ten Years...and no longer a "wee one",,,

Ten years ago, I became a parent, specifically a mother. I was 18 with nothing but hope and pride to provide for my young child, and yet, they let me leave the hospital with him! God handed me a miracle that day, and it's been such an adventure ever since.

When you have your first child, everyone is full of advice, and a new mother walks a fine line between listening and figuring things out for herself...blundering or struggling though it until a system is achieved. Everything was amazing every facial movement and detail caused awe, each cry...didn't create panic, but a sense of discovery.

Two months or so after Kainan was born, the events of September 11th rocked my parental world. That morning, I had put him on a blanket on the floor near the T.V. then turned it on. Just as the picture came into focus, the 2nd plane hit. I was struck at the irony of the images I was witnessing. There is my son, an innocent, and right behind him on the screen the result of pure evil. I couldn't help but wonder what on EARTH I had brought this poor baby into. The future seemed even MORE uncertain than usual...and it was the moment that I snapped out of my parental bliss and got to business always trying my best to provide the best I could for my family.

I now, 10 years later, have full conversations with my boy, who is capable of so many wondrous things. He's funny, smart and has the biggest of hearts! So, today, I no longer can use my usual term of endearment for my oldest boy...he's no longer a "wee one". He's a young man! It's been especially emotional for me to have a kid in the double digits and now I get why my mother cried at all those moments that as a kid I didn't understand. Now I do, it's your heart pouring over...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ode to Friendship

From day one of our interesting friendship Ash and I have had laughter, tears, joy and unmeasurable sadness. We started off a little inconsistent until our music, faith and sense of fun were just too alike to avoid! From the early days of spending the night and driving around with our toothpick umbrella situated juuuust so, so the radio would work in Ol' Rusty, to the mad dash through Brown County to Ash's finial wedding, we have seen it all!

I have never had much time for most other chicks...why? Well, girls are stupid. Petty and generally so competitive that they are a waste of time in my opinion. The thing that I value the absolute most is the unconditional love and support that I share with my best friend. I know, that no matter what I can call on her to bring me back around, give an opinion or solution without judgement. My biggest hope is that I provide the same for her. It's been extremely hard on me to have her gone, I struggle about that because it's selfish, but I have yet to find a person here that has the qualities of character that I am looking for in a friend...does that sound lame?

I have given it a good couple of shots and every time I find someone remotely promising, I either scare them off with my weirdness or they move away due to them getting amazing opportunities. It's all just a waste of time. There's only one Aiiishal. I hope that my boys will have the opportunity to have friends that are this close, to build memories that they can hold close and dear...memories that help build them into the adults they will become.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

long time no blog...

OK, so I haven't written in a while. Let's see what I can fill ya in about...hmmm.

* Summer Work - Well, the best part of the summer (for me) is fast approaching, THE END OF IT! It's been pretty successful this year with minimal complaints or problems as far as Summer Recess goes. July 4th was a very very busy day, with not enough time with my little birthday boy, but it turned out really really well! The turn out was great, the concert was great, the fireworks were great AND we didn't catch anything on fire! haa haa!

* Bedroom Bliss - The Saturday before July 4th...I needed a project to keep me from worrying about the event. I had been getting more and more fed up with my room, and I also had been looking for a new bed for a while. Well, I found it, but I JUST couldn't put it in my shabby room with it's awful wallpaper! So down it went and up went fresh paint & bed. I have committed to NOT allowing my room to be the 'laundry hub' that it once was and so far it's been working. Not only that but I found all my missing flip flops! I have been spending more time in there and it's a place of rest now rather than a place to work and sleep. I almost feel like I am in a hotel.

* MLB Baseball - Dave and I have been talking about taking the boys to a professional baseball game for a while now. We were discussing about how that was a big memory from our childhoods that we would like to share with them. Originally we were going to try and hit up the Houston Astros and then travel down the coast, but we just couldn't find the time to do it justice. So, when an unexpected opportunity came up we jumped at the chance to head to the ballpark for the weekend! Dave's nephew Zach is down for the summer visiting from Florida, so we met his parents and Zach in Arlington for some good clean American fun. Little did we know that before we left tragedy had struck a family from Brownwood, TX when a father reached too far over a railing to catch a ball tossed by a player from the Texas Rangers, Josh Hamilton. The man fell 20 feet and left the park with EMS alive and talking about security looking after his 6 year old son...unfortunately he passed away shortly thereafter. There are just no words for something like that.

We arrived at the ballpark and their flags were at half mast in honor of the man and his family. The boys were decked out in their Ranger finest, and were super excited! We got through the gates and the sights, sounds and smells were amazing and definitely added to the excitement! Gavin was really concerned about the "excavators"...he had never rode an escalator that tall before! Once we made it to the seats we got the boys hooked up with some cotton candy, drinks and little bats. We even made it onto the Jumbotron thanks to the 7 guys behind us with Rangers spelled out on all their chests! They were all in High School and were really good about watching what they said about things around our boys, but they were flippin' funny! For example, after a call that shoulda been a strike: "why don't you flip the plate over and read the instructions, Blue!?!" LOL

After a lot of back and forth during the game the A's get ahead by one run at the top of the 8th's crunch time and the pressure is on! The A's get shut down at their turn at bat, then the Rangers get a single, then the next two guys get out. Then up comes Josh Hamilton. He gets two strikes. Then SMASHES a two run homer winning the game! It was amazing and the atmosphere to be in! People were hugging and cheering and high-fiving all the way down the was an amazing way to introduce the boys into baseball! :o) We then drove all the way home the next day, to have the boys want to go to their dad's within five minutes of arriving, so they could play video games. Go figure.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Well, I finally did it! Ever since I bought my house I have had this monstrosity in my bedroom. It's floral, shiny and pastel 1980's wallpaper...and I decided IT HAD TO GO! After a lot of looking I found me a bed that I liked, and oddly enough at a weird place, Big Lots. I got it on Friday night, which got me to thinking about how this nice bed in ugly surroundings. So, down it put up quite the fight and by the time we got the bed assembled it was 11 pm. It looks great! I am so glad I did's kinda one of those 'women' things that we do...putting off our stuff for last. I was so busy taking care of the rest of the house, I was allowing MY room to always be the hub for laundry and it's never been a welcoming place for me because of was always a place of work and then when I was finally worn out, sleep.

Now it's an oasis of rest for me. I'm not gonna let it be the extended laundry room anymore! :o) I am going on a search for new curtains today, and then hanging up all the pictures that have been leaning against the wall of the bedroom for the last few years. Who knows I may even leave the door open when I have company from now on! LOL It's nice not being embarrassed of the room any longer!